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Hanami in Kyoto/Osaka! [29.03.08 - 05.04.08]

Spring is one of the best times to visit Japan. The Hanami season lasts about 7 to 10 days, and during this time cherry blossom trees bloom all over Japan and people flock outdoors to view them. The weather is perfect - sunny yet not warm and everyone is in the party mood.


Kyoto is one of the most culturally rich cities in the world. Once the capital of Japan for 1000-plus years, Kyoto has become home to over 1600 Buddhist templates, 400 Shinto shrines, 17 Unesco World Heritage sites and the world's most impressive gardens. For foreigners, to visit Kyoto is to experience the best of Japan. For modern Japanese, it is a to discover what it means to be Japanese.

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Kiyomizu Temple (音羽山清水寺)

Kiyomizu Temple is located in Kyoto's eastern quarter at the foot of Mt. Otowa, whose name in Japanese means, "Sound-of-Feathers Mountain" while Kiyomizu means pure water, clear water or limpid water. The Buddhist temple is a Unesco World Heritage listed site, and is one of the oldest temples in the city of Kyoto. It is notable for its vast veranda, supported by hundreds of pillars, that juts out over the hillside and offers impressive views of the city. From here, perched just above the tops of the trees which fill the gorge below, Kiyomizu Temple appears to float serenely on a vast cloud of cherry blossoms - a breathtaking view that attracts an estimated 2 million visitors every year.

According to historical records, Kiyomizu Temple was established in 778 AD by the priest Enchin, who was told in a vision to "look for the clear water origin of the upper reaches of the Yodo river." After a long search, Enchin found a waterfall deep within a misty forest at the base of Mt. Otowa, and there he enshrined a wooden image of Buddha (called Kannon Bosatsu), thus marking the beginning of the temple.

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